What Actually Constitutes a Full Body Workout

In a full body workout, all of your major muscle groups are targeted. Full body workouts may be compared to split workouts where different areas of the body are exercised at different times. Bodybuilders who focus their exercise regimen on building muscle mass and strength usually prefer split workouts; full body workouts prioritize overall fitness and endurance.

A full body workout will target:
• Hip flexors
• Muscles in the Back
• Abdominal muscles
• Chest
• Hamstrings
• Shoulders
• Biceps
• Triceps
• Gluteus maximus

Full body workouts often target several of your muscles in one move to make the exercise more efficient. Your workouts would take hours if you were to focus on each muscle separately, therefore full body workouts typically get much more done in less time when compared to split workouts.

Factors in Effective Full Body Workouts

• Balanced Fitness and Strength
Exercising all major muscle groups can help you to improve your muscle tone quickly. In fact, many personal trainers advise against concentrating exercises on specific body areas. Sometimes people will try to exercise only their problem areas like flabby thighs or a soft midsection, or they may attempt to increase the size of specific body parts like their shoulders or arms. The truth is that it is impossible to exercise a particular trouble spot without exercising the rest of the body; spot reduction is a myth. The problem with isolating one part of the body without training other parts is that it can lead to an imbalance in strength, which may result in injury. On the other hand, an effective full body workout will provide more benefits than will be gained from bigger arms or firmer thighs.

• Strength and Cardiovascular Fitness
Trainers will often recommend full body workouts because they can provide exercise for all the major muscles in one session while also boosting cardiovascular fitness and burning fat. Full body exercise can provide an intense workout for most people regardless of fitness level or gym-experience. Strength training can be incorporated to into a full body workout as well.

• Reduces the Risk of Chronic Illnesses
When a full body workout is sufficiently strenuous, it can result in a reduction of heart disease and stroke risks. A full body workout can lower your blood pressure, and even reduce your chances of getting colon cancer by as much as fifty percent since this type of cancer is largely due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Why Use Equipment for Full Body Exercise?
• The right equipment can help with your posture, which is important for beginners. Without the support of the equipment, users may slouch or perform exercises incorrectly.

• When it comes to full body cardio exercises, the right equipment can protect your joints from wear and tear; exercises like jogging are often hard on the knees and hips. Try using low impact cardio equipment like an elliptical bike.

• Full body exercise equipment burns more calories than equipment designed to focus exercise on one body part.

• Full body exercise equipment can be easy and fun to use; this is especially important if you are just getting started.

You do not have to choose between a full body workout and a split routine; if you want to, you can do both. You can start your workout with an upper body workout and then progress to a full body session. Note that it is important to consult your physician before starting any kind of serious exercise program, whether you plan to do split workouts or full body workouts.