First Aid Treatment for Spider Bites

There are only a few species of spiders that are considered harmful and dangerous to humans. Two of the most common of these spider types are the brown recluse spider as well as the black widow spider. These spiders prefer to live in warmer regions, especially in dry and dark places where smaller insects can be found. They also thrive in places that are filthy and undisturbed, especially those areas that haven’t seen the sun for a long time such as basements, old and unused cabinets, under kitchen sinks, behind big and heavy furniture, etc.

The Dangers of Spider Bites

The most common health problem that spider bites cause is an allergic reaction. For people who have compromised or weak immune system, a simple spider bite could easily and quickly escalate to anaphylaxis shock. If the victim experiences any symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, severe hives, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, chills, etc., it’s recommended that he seek medical attention immediately. The longer he doesn’t receive proper medication, the worse the complications could become.


Depending upon the type of spider that bit the victim, simple spider bites could also result to non-healing wounds. There will be gangrene, pus, as well as swelling to the area, and there will also be pain as well as a foul odor coming from the wound.

Treating Spider Bites

If a spider bit you, it’s important that you clean the area immediately. Wash the bitten area with soap and water, and rinse it under clean, running water.

If you suspect that the spider is poisonous and harmful, you need to slow down the spread of the venom. Tie a bandage snugly above the bitten site to prevent spider toxin from spreading. Make sure that the bandage is tight, but not too tight that it will totally cut off the blood circulation.

Another way to retard the spread of the venom is to place an ice pack over the bitten site. The cold temperature will constrict the blood vessels and slow down the blood circulation in the area.

If possible though, try to catch the spider that bit you and keep it in a clear container for easy identification. You can take the specimen to the hospital when you get treatment for the spider bite. The doctors there will be able to identify the spider type and give you the right medication.

If the spider is non-venomous, acetaminophen as well as antihistamine medications are usually given to the patient. This will stop the allergic reaction and decrease pain. On the other hand, if you’re pretty sure that the spider is indeed venomous and it has been confirmed as such, then you will also be given anti-venom medications to counteract the effects of the toxin.

Getting Rid of Spiders

Don’t put your health at risk, so see to it that your home is free from spiders. Make sure that your home, especially the basement and attic, is clean. Remove cobwebs and get rid of their food source, such as smaller insects like flies. Finally, you can also hire a pest control company to make sure that your home is spider-free and remains that way.