The Health Risks and Dangers of Asbestos at Work

Before 1972, asbestos is commonly used to insulate buildings and structures; however, in the past few years, studies show that breathing-in this element can result to health risks, such as lung restrictive illness and death. Exposure to asbestos is one of the biggest reasons for work-related deaths in the United Kingdom. Excessive exposure to this element has claimed more than 50,000 lives in the last 30 years. This had lead to litigations and compensation claims between the victims and the companies who use this element. The new legal ruling has made it easier for victims to claim damages payment; however, there are strict time limits to make a personal injury claim.


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in buildings and structures for insulation during the 1960′s and 70′s. Asbestos fibers are exceptionally strong and are very heat resistant. This element is usually found in flooring, pipes, and ceiling tiles. It was considered as a very versatile element which is perfect for building until the dangers of over-exposure were identified.

Asbestos will only become a danger if it is disturbed which causes the fibers to become airborne- this is known as friable asbestos. When the friable asbestos has become airborne, the lungs of workers will be more vulnerable to breathing-in these fibers. The safe level of asbestos exposure has not yet been determined by researches; however, one thing is for sure: the longer the person is exposed to asbestos, the greater his or her risk becomes for developing health problems related to asbestos.


Prolonged exposure to asbestos can cause a wide range of fatal illnesses but due to the nature of the diseases it causes it can take up to 30 years for the symptoms to develop. There are different types of diseases related to asbestos exposure but they mostly affect and damage the lungs. Some of the most serious diseases include:

Lung cancer: This condition is the same as the lung cancer that one can get due to excessive smoking.
Mesothelioma: A cancer which affects the lining of the lungs, as well as the lining surrounding the lower digestive tract. By that time this condition is diagnosed, it is already fatal.
Asbestosis: This is a scarring condition of the lung that typically happens after heavy exposure to asbestos for many years. One of its symptoms is shortness of breath. In severe cases, it can be fatal.
Pleural Plaques: This condition occurs when the lining of the lung becomes thick and enlarged. If it gets worse, the lung will be squeezed which can cause shortness of breath and chest discomfort.

It is very unfortunate that the most serious cases of asbestos-related diseases are usually fatal. The people who have a higher risk of developing these diseases can include:

Roofing contractors
Electricians, plumbers, carpenters
Heating and ventilating engineers
Fire and burglar alarm installers
Demolition workers
Computer installation engineers
Site managers


If you or someone you know is suffering from a disease due to asbestos, you must know how to claim the right monetary compensation. You have the legal right to claim damages payment which can help pay for medical bills and expenses. But before filing a personal injury claim, you must first look for a qualified and licensed personal injury attorney who can give you a sound legal advice on how to go about your legal claim.

Additionally, you must also learn about the deadlines for filing a personal injury claim for your asbestos-related disease. These deadlines are set by the court to limit the period of time that plaintiffs – like you, have before filing their claims. These deadlines may vary between states, and it may also depend on the allegations that you make and other factors. It is advisable to immediately contact a lawyer and determine your legal rights. Do not let your court case be disqualified because of a small technicality like missing the deadline.